One vision, many missions
The Miller-Zillmer Foundation supports audio-visual art and socio-cultural projects in the fields of music, photography and film. These are mostly documented via microsites - which we take care of.
Since its inception, the foundation set up by Diáne Zillmer and Daniel Miller has been very busy facilitating various international projects. It is not uncommon for communication and/or documentation to require a digital point of contact beyond the core site or Social Media beyond.
From the beginning, we therefore relied on the principle of microsites, as described in the project documentation.
In the course of the last few months, we have added more and more new projects that we have implemented in different ways. Here is a brief overview:
- For the long-term project "Mother Without Bones" submitted a PDF
- "My life - my body - my decision" and the "Modular Synthesizer Ensemble" got, manually in HTML created, static pages
- "Artists @ Home Residency" was realised via Squarespace for the purpose of unproblematic maintenance and design simplicity
- The »Humanletter« follows our principle of documenting newsletters via a landing page that we created with Webflow
- »Islands Of Times« is also maintained via Webflow, in order to be able to update the regular project updates, which do not follow a classic content pattern, as effectively as possible.
We are excited about everything that is still to come for us (all of us).