
Country, People, Health

Welcome to Germany: BARMER Krankenkasse has commissioned a seven-part newsletter series for students and employees from non-EU countries. We contributed the topics and all the texts and pictures.

A collage of screenshots of emails and the terms country, people, health
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Immigrants to Germany need orientation, friends and reliable partners. This conviction gave rise to the idea at BARMER to set up a special »Welcome Year Newsletter« for students and young employees from non-EU countries, which accompanies the newcomers for a year. 

The result – packed into seven issues – is an informative mix on topics such as the electronic health card, general practitioners and specialists, emergency numbers or early diagnosis and prevention – but also about Germany, its regions, landscapes, weather zones, cultures, peculiarities, dialects ... 

In addition, two young expats, Amit from Dubai and Xixiao from the Chinese province of Shanxi, report »live« about their experiences in everyday life in Germany.

Everything is in English, low-threshold and very entertaining. And of course designed strictly according to the BARMER CD style guide. We were allowed to accompany this special »customer service project« from the conception onwards and were responsible for topics, dramaturgy, interview partners and all texts.

Do you have a similar project in mind or are you interested in more information about it? Then Uwe Viehmann will be happy to help.
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