GE59 - Vernissage »Auf Kante« by Ines Doleschal

On Friday, 04.03.2022 from 6 pm on, the vernissage of the exhibition »Auf Kante« by Ines Doleschal will take place. This is an invitation.
We have already reported elsewhere(here, there and also in this article) that we have been running an »Art-Work-Space« for quite some time, whose motto is »Look at art where others work«.
But a new exhibition is always worth a news.
»Auf Kante« by Ines Doleschal is now finally being appreciated after the first date had to be cancelled due to corona. Please make a note and come along. We look forward to seeing you and...
Brutalism, Futurism, Mutability and Fictionality – Painting and Collages
The exhibition runs until 14.05.2022. An accompanying catalogue is available too. The current Corona rules apply to the vernissage, and we continue to ask for increased caution. Detailed information is available over at GE59.