GE59 - No news? At least two!

A monthly newsletter that should be more than just a sign of life: that was the plan. In practice, not so easy. Fortunately, there is GE59.
What is time?
In summer 2021, the daily project business did not take a break. That used to be different "in the past". But since the pandemic at the latest, the usual agency cycles can no longer be relied upon. Four weeks can be a long time in theory, but it can also be damn short under high pressure.
And then there's the much-deserved holiday!(See the last newsletter, we are repeating ourselves.) In no time at all, the daily routine is full to bursting and August flies by 'like ultrasound'.
Many internal topics fall by the wayside. Well-planned newsletters with surprising content, for example. Written like this, we immediately disprove ourselves. Because we were by no means idle, apart from the project work for our great customers. Quite the opposite.
What was, what will be?

With GE59 we have created a special place - and recently opened it: our »Art-Work-Space«.
Looking at art where others work: us. A place for views, exchange and opportunities. For art. But also for readings, lectures and discussions. Events of every kind. For workshops and business meetings in a pleasant atmosphere. An idea that is much more than a gallery. Especially for our self-image.(We reported.)
»Tippschnack« by Ellen Möckel is/was the starting point.
»The first exhibition is a challenge for both sides that requires a certain amount of trust. And even with Corona in the bag, we can definitely say with pride that it was a very successful start,« Ellen Möckel sums up the cooperation.

So with the finissage on 16 September from 5pm-9pm, this milestone is nearing its official end. Come one, come all! Last chance. Last round. Last exit.
What comes next?

Bärbl Hiedl, the initiator of GE59, is very pleased to have won Erika Krause for the second exhibition in the Art-Work-Space. What is fascinating about the works of the contemporary artist are the sometimes delicate lines from which multi-layered paintings emerge.
In a playful process, immediate and quick gestures are found alongside a reflexive process with ever new approaches and decisions. Like a diary-like writing with abbreviations and pauses.
What should be noted!
Ellen Möckel »Tippschnack«
Finissage, Thursday, 16.09.21, 17-21 hrs
Erika Krause
Vernissage, Wednesday, 27.10.2021, 18-21 hrs
Finissage, Friday, 14.01.2022, 17-21 hrs
Urbanstraße 116, 2. Hinterhof
10967 Berlin
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The artists/exhibitions three and four, in 2022 then, are also already a done deal. So let no one say that we don't plan well, even in busy times.
PS: Gendering
Because we also like to do it and for good reasons, but in large parts of society the acceptance is rather modest, often even hostile... a quote from our esteemed friend Raul Krauthausen(source: Instagram) on the topic of »gendering«, which we would like to see chiselled into another digital stone:
»We don't have to #gender. No one has ever been politically obliged to do so. Or demanded it seriously for private individuals.
But we can gender. It enriches our language and our thinking to be more sensitive. It is an invitation. Not a burden. #Triell«