Web + App = Zepp (Guide)

The Zepp Guide: The app for an entertaining and effective journey of discovery at the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen. Or: How to combine web and app and what challenges there are in terms of accessibility.
You're at the museum and would like some help and personalized guidance on what would be the best tour for your visit? The new museum app from the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen is just that. And more. A digital guide through the site, with special focuses, low thresholds and interesting features. Whether you are a passionate Zeppelin fan or a visitor interested in art. With as few barriers as possible and offers for as many people as possible.

Flexible tours, individual experiences
The app offers editorially curated tours (after a brief query of personal preferences) that take a wide range of interests into account:
- Short tours, for visitors who want to be inspired
- Tours on special technology or art topics
- Tours in simple language or German sign language
- Audio descriptions for blind and visually impaired visitors
- Special tours for children, families and fans of the mascot "Wopsie"
Users can easily and intuitively:
- Discover special objects via QR codes
- Save favorite objects in a personal favorites list
- View additional content via videos
- Play mini-games thematically linked to the museum
The very dedicated team at the museum itself really does attach the utmost importance to making as much content as possible accessible to as many people as possible. Tours in simple language or German sign language were therefore just as much a matter of course as audio descriptions for blind and visually impaired visitors.
Anyone who knows us knows that (digital) accessibility is just as important to us. We stand for conceptually and creatively special projects, but accessibility is also part of our DNA (whenever possible and/or desired). When the Zeppelin Museum approached us with the request for a new app after a successful website relaunch, it was clear that we had to try to combine several levels of potential benefits. Not as easy as written here. But apart from the editorial work, the structural basis provides the opportunity for further, continuous improvements. In detail:
Technical architecture: flexible and future-oriented
Technically, the ZeppGuide relies on modern web technologies. As a hybrid app with native elements, it enables:
- Convenient audio control
- Seamless scanning of QR codes
- Intuitive orientation using a site plan
The technical core is the headless CMS Strapi, already tried and tested on the museum website - and in the "Choose Your Player" special. All content - from tours to mini-games - is maintained centrally and displayed as a web view in the app.
Incidentally, the native components of the app were programmed in collaboration with PREPUBLIC, which we also presented in our partner overview.
Continuous further development
The ZeppGuide is a dynamic project. Further mini-games and curated tours are planned that will constantly expand and deepen the museum experience. Just like a test of how close we have really come to our idea of accessibility in this complex environment. Because as we all know, there is no such thing as 100%, but every step further is an important step.
In short: an app that not only informs, but also awakens the joy of discovery for EVERYONE - and leads the Zeppelin Museum into a new digital era. Created in a truly special constellation of a great customer including a dedicated team, a reliable partner and a lot of passion, not least on our part - all at eye level and always with the end result in mind. That's how it should be.
Click here to go to the "Zepp Guide" page of the Zeppling Museum.
For iOS users: App Store
For Android users: Google Play Store