July 2021
Summer slump? – »Food tastes good, weather good, nice greetings!«

Lots of projects, no sign of summer. But holidays are a must. In 2021 this often means: close surroundings instead of long-distance travel. Photo evidence!
Cart. Coffee. Pool is what you make it.

Acorn solo on Hiddensee.

A story in pictures.

Watch swans preening their feathers during the day & enjoy sunsets in the evening #Scharmützelsee #Stralsund

Mysterious vibes.

#homesweethomeoffice in the garden also somehow feels a little like a holiday. And of course: pure nature. Absolute relaxation.

Hot Berlin WorkWork Summer.

Bavarian cosiness & can you find the five goats?

4 x Pear, »Quarantine« (or »Thriller with a Happy Ending«), a Mouse in a Hammock with Blueberry Mint Ice Cream & Stralsund with Invisible Child.

Exploring the flora in the fields of the uckermark. #wild carrot #safflower #lavender field grime

In Berlin's heat, the holiday excursion takes place at night. Otherwise: Always & always Baltic Sea.

I mastered my Bachelor's degree with the topic »gender-sensitive design« and received a matching hat as a gift from my gang.

Holidays on the balcony & walks in BW.

Back of the House in the Pre-Alps & Snow Patrol.

Among reindeer & Between & island with hole. #Idre Fjäll #Lake Vänern

Challenges for wishes & the good old Hasenschänke!

A big thank you to the »Team : HENKELHIEDL« for the pictures. Hope everyone had a nice holiday. Or will have one. No matter how and where. We have all earned it. And I'm sure the same goes for all readers of this message.
Send us postcards.