Newsletter - Review of an experiment

For a good year now, we have been writing you monthly news that tell you a lot about us, mostly less about our work.
Even in November, we did not manage to update the project overview on our website. After the job is before the job and there is often not enough time for documentation and communication.
It's a shame, of course, but maybe that's okay? Should we continue to look for distracting hooks from »the work«, like the picture of the »perfect month« in February? Are you interested in insights into partnerships (and mini-interviews) like once in March? Details of our hybrid way of working like in April? Or more classic proofs of work like in May? More about art? Light fare as in holiday July? Is it okay to inform several times and again only about GE59, because you have notsubscribed to the special newsletter for it? (Which also applies to the September issue - October as well. It's just something special, our art-work-space, we're proud of it).
In short: What are you interested in? What do you like about this newsletter? What don't you like? What is missing? What is too much?
Please write us your opinion. Thank you.
We know this question/please is a lot to ask. But month after month, we write these lines for you too.
And there is one oddity that is discreetly puzzling. Never before (and certainly not so regularly) have we received such positive feedback on our newsletter efforts. At the same time, however, the number of people who read/open it is slowly but steadily declining. Exceptional months are the rule here - and overall everything is at a very high level. But better is always possible! Hence the question. ("Unsubscribe" is also clicked by almost no one. But that doesn't make the interpretation any easier).
OK. Wer bis hierhin durchgehalten hat, verdient dann doch noch etwas »Visuelles«.
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