Internal - The perfect month

The first day was a Monday, the last of February 2021 a Sunday. The perfect month. At least for all those who cultivate a week fetish.
February is not perfect for us, because we can complete our relaunch only bit by bit. But there is life beyond the classic big bang, and things are moving forward step by step. The reason for the slow implementation is a good one: there is a lot to do. Not a matter of course in these times and we are grateful for that.
Home office is still the order of the day. We have »trained« long enough for this and miss us and you of course... But at least during the working day, attractive projects provide distraction from the pandemic. Good, even if the documentation of completed tasks suffers. Nevertheless, in the coming weeks and months we will be able to show of a lot of beautiful results and add new features to the still brand-new website.
February is also a short month, which with its compactness helps us to finally stop thinking that we are just at the beginning of the year. Already next month we are back in the middle of it! The dawn of the dawn. Pandemic or no pandemic, slogans of perseverance and more. February is also: acceleration.

What started it's hype back in January and fully blowed up in February was Clubhouse. The service can be fun, even offers support and distraction to many, especially in Corona times, no question. But the hysteria triggered by exaggerated people positioning themselves and »their brand« via almost 24/7 chatter leaves the usual aftertaste for grumpy people. Like Twitter in 2010, we know what happened to it.
It may seem almost anachronistic today: The author of these lines was happy to receive an invitation to Clubhouse, yes, but he also refused to share his address book in exchange for the opportunity to invite others. Prissy? Anti-social? Lame? More likely, because this address book not only contains school friends' telephone numbers (important enough), but also customer's data (important enough). And where do these not belong? Exactly. Data protection is a topic we take seriously, but on a very demanding level, because digital ease and speed are supposedly lost in the process. Anyone who has spent a short surfing session on sites outside their favourites on the net knows how annoying cookie queries alone have become, while elsewhere in networks or mobile operating systems, the data octopuses and their analysts shamelessly grab hold with full tentacles. (See Apple vs. Facebook.) The dark side of responsibility? The sunny side of reliability. To the best of our knowledge and conscience...

However, February 2021 will remain in our memories not only because of a »clubhouse« (i.e. inside), but because we were out having fun again so early. Without wanting to talk about the weather (too late!), because the weather is always different everywhere. We also mean meetings. We were virtually »outside« because we were not only out and about in the Clubhouse, but we will also continue to operate our own social media accounts, despite doubts. Not an easy decision these days. »Outside«, because there were actually not only digital, but »real« customer appointments. Space and room, open windows and masks, we have more than enough of those. But we are also going »outside« because we want to put ourselves under public pressure at this point and report that you/they will be able to marvel at a lot of things on site (and digitally) over the next weeks and months. »GE59« is the name of our »Art-Work-Space«, which we will be opening soon. More about that when it's really spring.

Next month, we will take care of those who have also become part of us. We have not only grown internally, but also beyond – and are now more than just socially and privately well connected. So much cliffhanger must once again be allowed. After all, in the subtext there is also a promise that this message, which is more like a babble podcast, will hopefully remain an exception. Soon then: facts, hard facts. Like these:
Until then.
Stay healthy.